

Paris; Champagne under the Eiffel Tower

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to explore Paris with Rich by my side 
Today was one of the most memorable days of my trip, if not my life...
We picked up 'champagne' and glasses from monoprix and walked in the sunshine to the Eiffel Tower.
Okay, it wasn't reeeal champagne. It was 1sparkling wine.. Shhh ;)


Tee:H&M//Shorts:Zara//Flats:Boutique in Paris//Necklace:New Look//

Until next time, Paris..

P.S. The Island Secret has recently launched our twitter page and has joined the 21st century! 
For easy DIY's, inspiration, insight into our island lifestyle and exclusive photos.. 
show us some love and follow us @theislandsecret ♥. If you have a twitter page, leave the link in the comment box! We'd love to check it out xx


  1. Ohh so lucky! Paris is my absolute dream. Great photos!

  2. How amazing is Paris?!? I was just there in June, it looks like you got much better weather than I did. Did you get to visit any other countries? You have to go to Amsterdam and Germany :)

    xo, Megan
    indie flower

  3. so lucky to have champagne near the eiffel tower !Looking great!

  4. Oh you are sooo lucky!!! Paris is an awesome city!!! Love the photos and your cute outfit :D


  5. Hy :)
    Thx for your comment !
    You have a nice blog too and this photo are sweet :)


  6. Thanks,for your lovely comment,dear.^^

  7. Awww, I wish I was in your shoes right now! (Okay, and that my boyfriend was in your man's shoes haha!) This looks super cute and romantic, what a fun day! Also, if you are blogging WHILE traveling around, I am thoroughly impressed :)
    xo Hannah

  8. Beautiful pictures!!! xo, Alma

  9. Must be really fun to do! Beautiful pictures! I want to vist the eiffel tower so bad!

    I hope to see you at backtofive! :D

    backtofive's twitter

    You have to visit: Bloggers Against Social Injustice too!
    We are having a giveaway now too over at here @BASI giveaway

    xoxo backtofive

  10. looks like the best time! are you actually allowed to drink champagne on the park like that? I'm heading to Paris in November (after a big Europe trip!) and am so excited.


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