

Color Run & Green Hair

I know we have a few followers from the US so I'm sure there are a few of you who have heard of the Color Run. For those of you who haven't, well now you have :)
                                             The Color Run is a great, easy paced run
                  where you start with a white shirt, run 5km, and throughout the run get
                                         powder paint and dyed water thrown on you.. Sounds like fun, doesn't it!?
Each run supports a different charity and Vancouver's charity of choice was the Keep-A-Breast foundation.

Dallas and Tessa

Me, Emma and Tasha

Two of my old friends from The US (North Dakota and Colorado) joined me for the weekend in Vancouver and ran the race with my sister Dallas, Tessa and I. Needless to say, we all had a blast and came out looking like a melted, multicoloured M&M. 

Next on my list is the mud run! Has anyone out there ever participated in that?




  1. This is hilarious!! I have a friend who does this too, and recently even-maybe you were in the same race! Looks like fun :)

  2. This is AMAZING! Looks like a blast!


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