

Shorts in Winter; Life on the West Coast

Christmas cannot be in five days? ...Can it? Where has this entire year gone?

As the golden hues of Autumn transform into the dark, dreary days of Winter, I could not be more ready to give my mind a vacation. A whole week free from studying, exams, work and all of the other pressures that come along with being 22.

My DIY inspiration list is growing at an exponential rate and I'm beyond ready to spend some time sipping tea, listening to music and desiging and creating some of the DIY fashion projects that I've been dreaming about for ages.

I wore this simple outfit to start my Christmas shopping. I brought my trusty DIY clutch I made a few weeks prior and I love the little bit of shimmer it adds to the ensemble. If you missed the DIY clutch tutorial, check it out here!

sweater:h&m//shorts:unknown//clutch:DIY//necklace:h&m//sunnies:h&m//bracelets:value village

What are your plans for the holidays?
Do you manage to find time to relax or is it a completely hectic time of year? xx


-Be sure to follow us on twitter and facebook for extra DIY tips and a sneak peek into our daily lives


  1. Lovely outfit :-) I love the clutch!
    ANd what an adorable picture of the two of you, you look beautiful!

    Btw thanks a lot for your comment on my blog, I really appreciated it.
    Aaaaand you have such a nice blog. Therefor I've decided to follow you guys! Would be nice of we could follow each other!

    Merry christmas!


  2. You made the clutch?! It's adorable! Sitting around with tea and music and going through your craft inspiration list sounds amazing right now!
    xo Hannah

  3. L O V E I T!! love this utfit soo much

  4. Aw, thank you for the sweet comment - means so much! <3 And... this outfit, absolutely lovely. I'm smitten with the sweater so modern and the perfect classic! Merry (almost) x-mas! xo

  5. Thank you SO much for your sweet comment about my haircut Carly, it made my day! This is the shortest I have ever had it, its basically been your length or even longer all of my life, but I have loved having it short! I can't wait to see what you decide to do! :)

  6. Beautiful outfit, your clutch is perfect :)

  7. Scrolling through your pictures made me wanting to know where you got this amazing clutch from. Reading that it is a DIY left me amazed. Brilliant job. Looks so nice. Thank you for following me. I´ll follow you back via bloglovin´. Maybe you´re interested in following me back on bloglovin' and Facebook?

    ox, Julia

  8. You both look adorable! I love that clutch, so amazing that you made it!

    Jo x amomentwithjo

  9. It is incredible that we can wear shorts in December. Oh I love the west coast.

    I know what you mean, now that I'm in vacation mode I'll be cooking up all sorts of DIY projects.
    have an incredible vacation and relaxing holiday!

  10. love this post-you are so lucky to be having a cold christmas! where i am from, its really hot :(
    by the way i followed your gorgeous blog! do you think you could check out mine & maybe follow or just leave a comment. would love to hear from you!

  11. You look terrific! Nice post, thank you for share! BTW I'm following you right now, hope you will do same!
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  12. schoene Bilder!
    Frohe Weihnachten!

  13. UM girls are so fabulous. Keep up the good work, I love your blog!

    xoxo Britt


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