

London: Day One

After travelling all day from Brussels to London, a double espresso was needed to stay awake. 
We spent the day relaxing in Hyde Park and taunting the guards in front of Buckingham Palace.

                                                  Camden market is on our list for tomorrow!
                                   I'm sure I am 
squeeze a feeeeeew more things into my backpack ;)

                                                                               - C


Peplum Skirt in Antwerp

Visiting Belgium was completely impromptu and brought on by the French train system's exorbitant ticket prices. Rich, being the history buff that he is, had hoped to visit the Normandy beaches, however we couldn't possibly afford the 100€ each to get there. For a brief moment we were stuck in Paris with no place to go... And it felt amazing. I began to daydream of spending another few precious days gazing out at the Eiffel Tower while sipping espresso in a small Parisian cafe. We checked the bus schedules to see what our options were. A bus was leaving to Brussels in 20 minutes for only 10.50€. We climbed aboard unsure of what would await us at the other end..  

Everything happens for a reason, right? 
If it weren't for the ridiculous price of transportation in France, we wouldn't have gone to Belgium... And if we wouldn't have gone to Belgium, I wouldn't have been able to eat my weight in Belgian Waffles and Chocolates!!! :)

Do you ever have one of those days where you look down at yourself and realize that, horrifically,  everything you're wearing is from H&M?! This happens to me more frequently than it should, and today was one of those days... I picked up this little red peplum skirt from H&M in Brussels and the black long sleeve from H&M Antwerp. If all the pieces purchased were from different cities, is it quite as bad? ;)



Paris; Champagne under the Eiffel Tower

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to explore Paris with Rich by my side 
Today was one of the most memorable days of my trip, if not my life...
We picked up 'champagne' and glasses from monoprix and walked in the sunshine to the Eiffel Tower.
Okay, it wasn't reeeal champagne. It was 1sparkling wine.. Shhh ;)


Tee:H&M//Shorts:Zara//Flats:Boutique in Paris//Necklace:New Look//

Until next time, Paris..

P.S. The Island Secret has recently launched our twitter page and has joined the 21st century! 
For easy DIY's, inspiration, insight into our island lifestyle and exclusive photos.. 
show us some love and follow us @theislandsecret ♥. If you have a twitter page, leave the link in the comment box! We'd love to check it out xx