

Pula, Croatia

Our final Croatian destination was Pula! After a 5 hour ferry ride from Zadar, we landed in Pula around 22h00. With our heavy backpacks on, we wandered up and down the dark streets looking for our hostel that I was convinced did not exist. Eventually we did find it, only to be told that they had overbooked the hostel and did not have beds for us. The owners must have sensed our complete exhaustion and offered us a bedroom in their family home! It was very kind, however a little strange. We stayed in their teenage daughter:s bedroom that was full of pictures and all of her things.. but it was an experience! The city itself was lovely and it the sea was the clearest we have swam in so far. We were caught in a huge storm and it started to pour with rain and, of course, I was wearing my white dress! All of the locals ran for cover and we just stood there laughing hysterically. By the time we made it back to the hostel I am sure my dress was completely see-through. Oh, and for the record.. This was the one and only time Rich carried my backpack. I was feeling ill and we had to hurry to catch a bus but walking in 35 degree weather with two backpacks on was pretty impressive!

Next stop = VENICE! Visiting Italy has always been a dream of mine. I cannot believe it is actually coming true. Stacie and I bought Italian language CDs a few years back and picked up a little bit of the language. I hope I have the courage to speak a little bit of it! (P.S. My apostrophe key has stopped working on me hence the lack of contractions!)



  1. I love this pictures! You're look great <3

    visit my blog and don't forget to subscribe if you'll like it!

  2. Love these photos! I want to be where you are! Looks so lovely!

  3. ohh what a incredible place!!

  4. Wauw really nice stories and pictures!!
    I like to follow you :-)

    Thank you again for the really nice comment on my blog! Like to follow eachother?
    Enjoy the rest of your trip and of course Amsterdam!!

    Love, Annewil

  5. this looks to be a great place and u are so cute in that pink outfit!

  6. pink is very girly !!
    awesome hair :)

  7. This place looks amazing! Great photos!:)

  8. Oh my goodness you are SO pretty!
    I've heard Pula is amazing, your photos show that!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  9. wow looks so amazing! can't believe you carried that around im impressed! also white dress not the best to get stuck in the rain in ahhahah


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