

DIY Tribal Necklace

I have seen so many tribal necklaces floating around on the internet so I decided to try it out for myself. This project is so simple but can take some time depending how long you want the necklace and how thick you want the rope to be. I did mine while sitting at the lake one day so it went by fast for me. 

What you need:
Embroidery string
Soft rope (find at any fabric store)
Hemp (if you want)

 I decided to use my blue string and make an all blue necklace. There are so many colours you can choose from and I have already started creating a few other necklaces that I am sure you will see in posts to come.

Shirt: DIY distorted tank
Shorts: DIY dip dye bleach
Necklace DIY Tribal Necklace

I unfortunately did not take photos of myself actually making the necklace, but all you are doing is the basic friendship knot over and over, as well as switching the colours whenever you want. I have added a helpful link below that shows you how to do the friendship knot.
If you have any questions feel free to send me a email! 



P.S. Self portraits...I know terrible huh? But I was all alone with no friends or tripod to take my photo, so theses are what you get ;)

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