

Dip-Dye Virgin Shorts DIY


After looking in numerous clothing stores and on so many blogs I came to the conclusion that the dip dyed trend is here to stay. As summer is just around the corner I thought I would try my hand at dying blue jean shorts. I then let them sit in a bucket of turquoise dye for about a hour but only putting in 3/4 of the shorts. 
I washed them out and then re-dipped the bottom 3 inches of the shorts into a sink of bleach. Once the bottom turned a colour I enjoyed I then did the top 1-1/2 inch of the shorts.

I loved that I could start out with a simple pair of jeans and end up with something brand new that no one else will every have. 
Although dying and bleaching can be quite messy, it was a ton of fun and I am already planning many more projects for the near future.

Now go dye & bleach <3




  1. Hey Guys! I just stumbled across your blog and I really like it! You have really cute style and I love the photography :)

  2. Again, loving the ombre shorts :)


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