

DIY Dyed Shorts

I have seen a few blog posts recently which have showcased a pair DIY dyed shorts that are three different colors all fading into each other. I decided that this was such a simple and fun DIY and after I found some white pants and different coloured dye I set to work.

What you need:
White shorts, capris/pants

Clothing dye
Spray bottles

First start by cutting you shorts, pants or capris into the length you want. I used a cheap pair of white pants that I found at a local thrift store. 
After you get them to the length you want, soak the shorts thoroughly in water. Fill your spray bottles up with water and pour the dye into the spray bottles. 
With the dye I bought I only used about 1/4 of the the package in the spray bottle so the dye wasn't too dark. 

 I first started with the yellow and spray about 3 inches from the top down. 

I then did the pink,

And finished with the blue. I decided I wanted my shorts to look a bit faded so I only left the dye on for about 15 minutes and then put them through the washer (by themselves!) and then the dryer.

I loved the way these shorts turned out. It was so much fun to use the spray bottles to dye the shorts and I cannot wait to try again. There are so many different colors and so many possibilities and different things you can do with a white short. 


Fashion in Victoria, BC

The other night I stared blankly into my closet for what seemed like hours. The only thing that stared back at me were stacks of BLUE denim jeans. Just plain blue.. Nothing bright and colourful for those summer evenings on the patio. Up until recently, I was a bit of an online shopper newbie. I was skeptical of the whole thing and expected mysterious fees to be charged to my credit card after buying anything online. My boyfriend, being the Ebay expert that he is, patiently explained to me that this wasn't possible and I was missing out by not online shopping. Now, I feel like the whole shopping world is at my finger tips.. which is great for me, not so good for my credit card! I picked up these fuschia jeans on Ebay for $10 with free shipping. How can you beat that? I think I'm going to have to get them in every single colour. I love the look of  pairing new pieces with vintage and found this lovely blouse in Value Village. I'm not completely thrilled with the shape of the blouse, but the collar sold me. I might remove the sleeves and take it in a bit on the sides.. But that will have to wait for another day!

Blouse: Value Village//Jeans: Ebay//Purse:Value Village//Wedges:Ralph Lauren//Earrings:Marc Jacobs

This weekend Rich and I will be hosting our first couch surfer! Ever since I was introduced to the idea of couch surfing, I've been completely fascinated by it. We are heading to Europe in less than two weeks and hope to do some couch surfing ourselves around Italy, so we thought we would try hosting someone before we leave to see what it is all about. I'll keep you posted! 



A StyleGodis Summer

Hi lovelies! It's the first day of summer! After surviving an entire rainy Victoria winter, we are welcoming summer with open arms! What better way to celebrate this glorious occasion than with some retail therapy. We are dying to tell you about a new online shop that's recently been launched: StyleGodis
Their clothes = amaaaazing. They are affordable and capture the true essence of California. 

how cute is this teal bag? and we practically drool over these heels every time we look at them..

Check them out here! We looove the yellow dress and the blue studded blouse. What are your favorite items? Because it is so affordable we plan on stocking up on tons of their clothing but since we like ALL of it, we're having trouble deciding. All you fashionistas out there, take a look at their shop and help us make some decisions!!! Leave us the link to your favorite items in the comment box below.

We took full advantage of the lovely summer weather by going for a long, barefoot stroll on the dirt roads around Carly's house like we did when we were young. There is no feeling that compares to having the warm sun on your shoulders and laughing with your best friend..

How did you spend your first day of summer? Tell us about it! Don't forget to check out our Swedish friends over at StyleGodis! Happy summer everyone xx

Carly + Stacie


80's throwback

I went on a search for the boxiest, tackiest floral print shirt for an upcoming DIY and hit the jackpot when I found this little gem at Value Village. I loathed it at first, but the more I looked at it the more it grew on me. So before I cut it up for my DIY I thought I would give it the memorial it deserves and take some photos of it - 80's throwback style of course. 
Farewell tacky shirt, you will be reborn soon enough!

To be continued..



Black Jewels

Victoria is a lovely city but anyone who has visited knows the weather has a mind of its own. One minute it is pouring with rain and the next the clouds are parting and the sun is shining down.. which makes it particularly difficult to dress in the morning! Today was a little overcast but quite warm. Because the sky was grey, I wasn't feeling very colourful myself. I opted to wear all neutral colours and let my shoes be the star of the show with a pop of colour. Also, I finally got the chance to wear lovely necklace Stacie got me for my birthday! I spent the morning watching England beat Sweden in the EuroCup then I met up with my aunt for lunch at my favourite little Italian place. They make all of their pasta fresh (which is a rarety in Canada) and their sauces from scratch. The sun even made an appearance while we sipped on our wine on the garden patio.

It's Fridaaay! What are your weekend plans?


lazy summer days

I can hear what you all are thinking right now, “wow she is so pale!”. Yes I know, I really am so pale but despite being white as a ghost I was invited out for lunch with some friends and thought I would throw on this old dress and call it a day.

This dress is so comfy, the print is great and it is so easy to just throw on and run out the door (which is what I ended up doing). I bought this dress from a random store on a holiday a few years ago and it used to have long sleeves, a collar and strings that hung down the front. Last summer I decided to spruce it up a bit and cut off the sleeves, collar and string, making the dress more summertime fun.

Hopefully by the end of summer you guys will be able to see me with a nice light, golden tan (probably made mostly up of freckles) and we all can forget how white I was! J

Dress: Old, renewed DIY
Shoes: Guess

Bracelet: H&M
Sunglasses: Ardenes




i ♥ victoria

giving the photographer a break ♥

Just thought I'd share a few photos from my weekend with you. I spent it close to home, wandering around Victoria. I stumbled upon Fisherman's warf and couldn't believe I hadn't been there before! It is a bright little community of people living on float homes on the water and there are shops, restaurants and street vendors in between the houses. It was the perfect little place to hang out on a hot summer day. There were even a few houses for sale. Maybe one will be my next home? Hope you all had a lovely weekend xx