

DIY Jean Shorts

With more and more serapes (Mexican blanket) themed trends showing up this summer season I thought I would try to make my own version of serape jean shorts. This is such a simple and quick way to give a new life to any old pair of jean shorts.

What you need:
Jean shorts (I used a thrifted pair)
Serape fabric (I used a thrifted purse)
Needle & thread

1) Start by deciding how much of the jean
short you want covered by the fabric.
Once you decide cut out the appropriate
amount of fabric.

2) Pin the fabric where you would like it to be sewn on the jean shorts.

3) Hand sew around the outside of the fabric (I started by using a sewing machine, but with the pockets found it easier, and just as quick to hand sew) 

4) Because my shorts were thrifted and a bit too long, I cut 2 inches off the bottom. You do not have to do this step, its totally up to your own style.

5) Enjoy your new serape shorts!

Sweater: Boutique in Australia
Shorts: DIY
Boots: Winners

Have you created anything incorporating serape? We would love too see!





        Tonight I had the pleasure of dining with one of my lovely friends, Cat. Our original plan was to meet at a local Italian restaurant that makes the most delicious fresh pasta that you are able to enjoy on their outdoor garden patio... but as luck would have it, Monday is the only day they are shut. So, we hopped on a bus and headed downtown. I wasn't able to see her over the weekend so she treated me to dinner and wine at Sauce restaurant as a belated birthday celebration. 
        I finally found the opportunity to wear my new Ralph Lauren wedges that I picked up awhile ago! We have limited storage at our place. Our shoe rack is completely buried at home. I'll admit it. I had to do some serious negotiating with my boyfriend to get another pair of shoes. We came to the agreement that I had to throw away two pairs of shoes if I wanted to get these new ones. I didn't want to part with any of them but it was worth it. I've been looking everywhere for a simple pair of summer wedges. You'll be seeing these babies in many posts to come! xx

Blazer: Talula//T-Shirt:H&M//Jeans:Nudie//Shoes:Ralph Lauren and Tory Burch

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all the lovely people who have read our blog and followed us. So far this experience has been amazing and we look forward to what the future has in store. We are constantly seeking out new and interesting blogs so be sure to leave your URL in the comment box.

Goodnight xx



Red Jacket

Although summer has made an appearance and the days are getting warmer, the nights still carry a cold chill.  
I  met up with some friends for dinner and thought it was the perfect chance to debut my new red blazer. I paired the blazer with a casual t-shirt, high-waisted shorts and black wedges.

Blazer: Thirfted
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: Sportsgirl
Shirt: Jacob
Sunglasses: Gift

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as I did!




Neon Chain Necklace DIY

Ahhhh, rainy days. There is just something about them that makes me want to curl up on the couch with a hot cup of coffee and watch The Office re-runs all day. Unfortunately I had been procrastinating all week and my 'to-do' list grew to be a mile long. I took a break from cleaning my house to make this neon chain necklace. I have been seeing them everywhere and thought that they couldn't be very hard to make! I had limited pink rope though so mine didn't turn out as 'neon' as I would have liked, but I thought I would show you how to make a simple one.. Or at least inspire you to come up with something similar!  I found this chain at my local fabric store and guess what.. it's actually plastic! Which is perfect for people with sensitive skin like me! The links actually clip together and come apart relatively easily too which eliminates the need for a clasp.

What You Need:
  • Chain (Metal or Plastic)  
  • Neon Rope or Shoelace

What To Do:

Step 1: Attach the end links of your chain to create a full circle. The best thing about using plastic chain is that you can easily attach and detach the links, eliminating the need for a clasp!
Step 2: Fold the chain in half.

Step 3: Attach the two ends together either with a clasp, or just attach the chain links as I did!
Step 4: Feed the neon rope through one or both of the layers of chain.     


Step 5: Be creative! Enjoy xx

The sun decided to shine long enough to go for a little walk. We found a trail and followed it all the way to the end. We discovered a beach that had the liveliest tide pools! They were filled with tiny fish, sea urchins and crabs.



Happy Birthday Carly :)


My beautiful, best friend Carly Rae is turning 22 today.

We have been friends for over 16 years and have already shared so many fun and happy memories together. I am so privileged to have such a wonderful friend in my life and cannot wait for the years to come and many memories we still have to create together. It’s crazy that after all this time and talk, we finally started this blog. I am so excited to see where we can take it and I can’t picture doing this with anyone else.
I hope you have the best birthday today and that it’s filled with laughter and friends. 
It even looks like the sun is coming out just for you J

Love you Princess!

“we don’t run, we walk fast” 

These are just a couple of the thousands of photos we have taken together over the years. 


Skinny Jeans DIY

Do you have a old pair of flare jeans that fit you perfectly but wont wear because of the flare? 
Well I do... or  I did. 
I was going through my closet and came across these old, light blue jeans that I just love but had stopped wearing because they were flared at the bottom. My sister had the same problem so we came up with a solution to turn your old flare jeans into new skinny jeans.

What you need:
Pair of flare jeans
Pair of skinny pants
Sewing machine (if you are really keen you can hand sew but I would recommend using a sewing machine)

1. Start out by turning both pairs of pants inside out. Lay your flare jeans out on a flat surface making sure that there are no bumps from the knee down.
2. Take a pin and mark where the knee part of your jeans are, you do not want to start sewing any higher then this spot

3. Lay your skinny pants on top of your jeans matching up the outside hems together

4. Pin along the inside seam on your flare jeans but following the line of the pants on top. 

 5. Sew along the pinned line making the line as straight as you can so that you don't cause any puckering
6. Try on your pants and if they fit turn them back inside out and carefully trim off the excess material. If they
 are not skinny enough at the bottom for your liking you repeat steps 3-6 until you are satisfied. 

7.Enjoy your new skinny jeans :)

*If you have any questions about this feel free to send me a email and I will try to help you as much as I can!

Jeans: DIY Skinny
Shirt: Value village
Necklace: DIY Wooden Tribal
Shoes: Havaianas  




Sun by the Sea

My favorite way to spend a Sunday is to fix a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit and yogurt, then head to the sea to soak up some much needed Vitamin D. I feel fortunate to live in Victoria where I am surrounded by quaint little seaside villages. There is nothing that can clear your mind quite like taking a deep breath of fresh ocean air. Coffee in hand, I wandered through the streets looking in all of the specialty shops. It was lovely to see everyone outside enjoying the sun!

Before I left the house this morning, I sewed the pink shorts I was wearing. I've only been sewing for a few months and it's very rewarding to be able to wear something I've sewn! I picked up the fabric from the discount bin for $2/meter. I only used about half of it, so these shorts cost me a whopping $1 to make! They were incredibly simple to sew and I will be putting up a DIY in the next few days so you all can make some pretty shorts this summer! I hope to make a few more pairs in floral prints in the days to come. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can! xx

Tank - H&M
Shorts - My Design
Sunnies - Ray Ban
Watch - Christian Dior

Hope you've enjoyed your weekend as much as I have!
