

Victoria BC Thrift Stores

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE thrift stores. Some of my favorite pieces have been found while sifting through piles of clothes at these wonderful places.  The excitement of finding something truly special and unique amidst the chaos is what has me addicted. When I was a youngster my mom would drag me to garage sales and had the best eye for antique furniture and things that just needed a little TLC, so maybe it's genetic. I found this lovely vintage Christian Dior watch on my last adventure for $10. All it needed was a new battery. I'm thinking of getting a new strap for it. Maybe black or red? If you haven't had the opportunity to check out your local thrift stores, I encourage you to do so. You never know what you might find!! :) What's your favorite thrift store purchase? 


Golden Dragon

In the heart of Canada's oldest Chinatown, at the end of a dimly lit alley, lies a hidden paradise. A little village offering organic coffee and fresh flowers.. and a little bit of everything else.

Hope you are enjoying your week!! xx



Sun-kissed Monday

Four-Day-Weekend. Though ordinary on their own, when placed side by side these three words create magic. Throw in the weatherman forecasting nothing but Vitamin D and you have yourself a recipe for fun. I made a promise to myself that I would begin to study for finals, organize my closet and wash my car (all with my fingers crossed behind my back, of course). Here is a little taste of my weekend.

Grew the little guy on my very own pineapple plant. I know, he's a bit vertically challenged but he'll make up for it in taste.

Breakfast in the sun. Who needs deck furniture?

Lucky to live on the West Coast

Baby goat at Beacon Hill Park. Only a day old!

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend and are feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle the week ahead. Take care. xx



Victoria Fashion Blog

After spending many sleepless nights fantasizing about this blog and what it could be, we've finally done it. We've made a blog. We can't promise what will be on it, other than special moments and things we love. Are there any other Victoria Fashion Bloggers out there?

- S & C